We finally managed to finish the bonfire we started a few weeks ago! The leaves and branches had dried out sufficiently for my boyfriend to sneak all the cardboard recycling outside and use it as accelerant! When I saw the rather large plumes of smoke, I raced up the garden to check all was well, which it was, just about! The wind made the fire rather unpredictable, but the space was large enough to cope, and the hosepipe was on hand, just in case. Then began the rain and attempted to put an end to the fire, but my boyfriend had made it so well, nothing could stop it.
An hour later, when he went out to check, it was still bubbling away and began to burn happily again when more wood was added. Having just heard the pounding of the rain on the roof, though, I think I can say with certainty, it's definitely out now. Well done hun, at least that growing pile of garden rubbish is finally out of the way! And the forced rhubarb - forced because it was desperately trying to find a way through to the light, rather than because we'd tried an experiment - might begin to grow!
Smoky Aubergine and Black Lentil Dhal
5 years ago
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Would love to know what you think or if you have any ideas!
Merlotti x