Lying in bed the other morning, I was convinced I could see a bird never before viewed in the garden. Getting up and wandering to the window, there were several of them, all in the trees and scrabbling around under the bushes where the snow had melted and in the leaf mush! Looking more closely, they were vey different from anything I’d seen before with clear strip across their eyes and a reddish tinge under each wing. After spending the day going back and forth, me not the birds, watching to see how they were all getting on, chatting to each other, I decided to actually find out what they were and typed all my info, carefully gathered, into the RSPB’s birds identifier. And, hey presto, it came up with a selection, one of which was definitely mine: The Redwing. Apparently, they are often found in gardens if snow appears as they can’t get to the worms in the fields, so enjoy searching under all our out-of-control shrubs. And they certainly did that in my garden, having a proper dinner party with each and every one of their friends! Bless!
Smoky Aubergine and Black Lentil Dhal
5 years ago
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Merlotti x